Saturday, April 13, 2019

Dream Molder - Character Sketch Demo v0.1


Alright, I've been putting a lot of work/time into getting this ready those last few days and it's still not quite done. Some missing character sketches, bugs and spelling mistake that I didn't see while rushing through every path as fast as possible, etc...

Most of all this is here to give an idea of in which direction/style game is going and get the story out to people that might have better writing skills than I do and have the time to / or are willing to help me write this.

If you want to help me write this you can always reach me over at Deviantart or Furaffinity.
(Those are the sites that I see it the fastest.)

Besides helping me rewrite the game your feedback on what you like/don't like is always helpful.
I'm mostly looking for information on:
- how to improve the story/writing
- where should I change the music
- where are CG's needed and where are they too much
- which parts do you enjoy most as a reader 
- which parts did you enjoy the least / didn't like at all

Every info to the above will help me immensly improving and building the game in the future versions.
Besides that, I'm also looking for gamebreaking bugs that stop your progress.

So if you run into something just let me know and I'll try to patch it out as soon as possible.

Once the demo is out I will take a few more days to finish the missing character sketches and patch out every bug that you find, then continue sketching and writing the h-scenes to update the demo as NSFW version.

That's it as a foreword for now, everything else will be some rambling and random info about the game and it's progress/making so far.
A big shoutout and thank you to all of you that so far supported me on my patreon, keep me going with their daily messages (You probably know if that's you ;P) and to those that went through the trouble of playing and commenting on the "Reading Sample".

You guys are great and I'll do my best to improve and release something enjoyable in the end.


Download: Win32
Browser Version: Browser Version Test
Summary + Changelog: Dream Molder Summary Page

Random rambling
Me rambling and ranting about some stuff that I thought about for a while.
Gonna be cringy/whiny though so there's no need to read them if you're just here for the games!


  1. im not done yet, i had issues with the game freezing at exactly path 2 scene 7 where the line about stomachs sounding like an ursaring. but, ive seen all of path 2 now and ended at where sara shows up at the mansion. just running short on time on my weekend. but things to say about qualities of the game so far. things i currently like or just appreciate. the music fits the moods much better (compared to original demo) sometimes even making the mood. its not obnoxious or loud. just very pleasant calm music. when the mood changes the music subtly shifts which is very nice.

    the sketches are well placed and numerous. there were times a feel that one position could have been easily described rather than sketched but very nice nonetheless. just seems like a lot of extra work but it makes some scenes look almost cinematic. so very nice. sara and fias unique sketches when they interact are superbly cute and well timed because of that.

    the story. if there is some inspiration or some other story its derived from, i cant find it. from what im reading the story seems completely original. most of the time movies and stories i try and read are frustratingly unoriginal. ive pretty much given up on movies. i find a good game/story or show only once in a while. this is one of those stories. it feels like a new different experience. so that shows originality and genuine effort to make it all work on your part. im talking about the basic concept about the dreams and stuff. im excluding that its in the pokemon univers since it would still work without pokemon. that parts not original, obviously. but the use of fia and the dreams are. im leaving typos to sparky. they started a list of stuff far before i even checked my email today. so listing typos at this point is a wasted effort not that i noticed many.

    and thats where ill end it for now. i havent explored all of it yet but ive saved my progress this time so i can pick up wgere i left off. if i dont say anything else its either because someone else covered it or i didnt find any more bugs that arent obvious. i have a feeling that my soft lock up was linked to text speed since when i checked the options during. both text speed and skip speed where beyond the maximum amount like the black lines extended beyond the boxes and all the way to the end of my screen. but hasnt been a problem again.
    gotta go best of luck

    1. This is some nice feedback and I'm glad you like it so far!
      It's strange that I didn't run into that lockup myself and might actually be a situational bug with the settings the since I'm so far, unable to replicate it.. Just let me know if you (or anyone else here) runs into it again and I will try to upload a hotfix.

  2. I really enjoyed everything I could see in Sketche Demo and I also liked the sketches themselves and the musics are really nice but I think the one that plays after Sara goes away in scene 1 path 1 does not fit very well there (my opinion) and in that part after the player sleeps all day and finds Braixen reading a book about sleep deprivation I think there should be a sad music or something (again this is my opinion)

    but I could not play all the path 1 and I don't know if I can play the other paths because I have 2 problems

    1: I had a problem with my energy here where I live while I was playing when the energy came back I went to the folder where I left the game and tried to open it, but it did not open, so the only way I have to open the game now is going to the Zip file and opening directly from there.

    2: in scene 13 path 1 shortly after reaching the clearing for the Picnic at a certain time the screen turns black and there is no solution for this.

    anyway I really liked what I could see from the game, I'll try to play it on the browser.

    I wish you luck


    1. Yeah, the music definitely needs some work. I pretty much put it in to make reading easier and set moods a bit, but felt like it would probably not be worth making every detail/timing perfect for this release.
      I'm going to add those problems to the list to look into though!

      Not beeing able to open certain areas on the drive after a power shortage sounds like hardware problem..

      I hope everything else still works fine for you and thanks for the feedback!

  3. So first i'm apologise for my bad English (Probably a lot of typos because this German Guy don't know it better XD) and i hope it's somewhat understandable.

    The game is Incredible!!. I like everything so far and i can´t say that i encounter any problems so far by playing the game. (btw. your Lucario and Zoroark animation was amazing too)

    I love your art style even when it's just sketches in this game, and it makes me pretty excited about the full game. I don't even know if i should point out every single detail what i like (mainly because it would be a huge wall of text).

    So far this story is amazing but still let a lot of openings for little side scenes or at least it seems so.

    I like all 4 endings. and i can definitely see why the bad ending in Path 3 was scrapped entirely.
    But i think (and i kinda hate me for writing this) some bad endings would make the game more believable.
    But seriously the bad or i would say the "Worst" ending that would be possible in path 3 would be too much i think. (or it would be for me at least).

    And there is something in path 3 what i didn't quite understand why there wasn't an alternative path. But to describe my little issue with it wouldn't be spoiler free. So i don't now if i should write it down. Especially for everyone that don't want spoilers.
    (what i originally wanted myself. avoiding everything that could possibly spoiling something. until the sketch demo came out. then my curiosity breaks out. hit me in the face and yelling " why don't you play it now" and throw me out the window. after that i played the demo and read everything in this blog to be up do date and im glad i did this)

    In my opinion something like a little mood/happiness system what could alter the scenes, lead to funny/awkward moments or even secrets would be nice too.but it should not interfere with the already included way to chose the path. (or maybe it should. possibilities possibilities)

    it would possibly hard to include in the game now. maybe an idea for another project or future patch after the game is finished.

    And last but not least.(even if i'm not sure that this belong in a blog) you should really switch your patreon support to monthly. i feel kinda guilty to see how much work you throw in this game and its even high quality. and you only charges for creations despite that.

    i wish you best of luck. and keep it up. Waiting for the full game is still so god damn worth it!.

    1. Hey, thanks for trying it out and don't worry about the english, it's the same for me after all. :,D

      Most of the things you mentioned (like path 3 alternatives, some more scenes inbetween and a happiness system) are actually something that's already planned for future versions.
      So I'm glad that's something people actually seem to want/miss in this version.

      Main reason for them not beeing in yet is pretty much that I want to get the main scenes and grafics out of the way before working on the smaller details and extras, but it's definitely gonna come.

      Even with the additions coming at some point would gladly hear your thoughts pm path 3 though and if you're worried about spoiling anyone you can freely post your feedback over here:

      About your last point, I'm still a bit undecicive when it comes to the monthly charges instead of creation since I'm working quite slow. (Trying to keep the quality passable while lacking the skill)
      So I would feel bad about people supporting without me uploading for too long...
      But we'll see, your opinion on the matter definitely helps!

      All together, thanks for taking your time to test the game and give your feedback!
      Let's hope you like my future stuff as well!

  4. Hi!

    At this point, I've only played through one ending (I believe it was ending 3, but it's been a while since I played it). I'm planning on playing through the rest once all of the sketches are in the game. Therefore, my impressions don't necessarily apply to the entire game.

    The story was really good. The characters were all unique and enjoyable. The interactions between the main character and Braixen made me really root for them as a couple. The only minor gripe I have is the occasional spelling and grammar mistake.

    (I played without the sound, so I can't really give feedback about that)

    I don't know a lot about visual novels, so I don't know exactly what a CG is, but I'm assuming they're the special pictures that illustrate a specific scene. My only worry about those is the sheer number of them. Personally, I would feel overwhelmed by how many that you would have to draw, but if you feel that you are up to the task of drawing all of them, then go ahead. Purely from the point of view of a player, the detailed drawings could only enhance a scene.

    I think my favorite part was the climax at the warehouse. There were a lot of neat story elements, and it almost felt cinematic. Even though half the time it was just text with a description of an image, the scene still had a really tense and epic vibe. I'm genuinely hyped to see what it looks like it its fully illustrated glory.

    I can't really think of any scenes that I disliked, at least in the path I played.

    Out of curiosity, do you want or need any editors or proofreaders? I'd love to help try to fix some of the spelling and grammar errors. Either way, I'm eagerly awaiting the next update (and also all the subsequent ones).

    1. Yeah, the sheer amount of CG's was a problem from the start..
      I tried keeping the count low and a lot of CG's will be douplicates with simple changes (around 500 files but only ~250 originals)

      That's still quite a lot but for now I'm planning to just start drawing and see where I get.
      Even though I thought about making a forum for the game and make it something like a group project where everyone can help out by submit his own art/writing/scenes/ideas to improve the game or make it bigger.

      That's however only for when I feel like I'm stuck or too slow working on it.
      For now I'm going to follow my "roadmap" and see how it looks!

      I'm always glad to have someone help out find/get rid of bugs/typos/etc.
      I already have quite a big list of things to fix for the next update, but if you find any errors that annoy you in any version after you're free to report those however you like!

      Thanks for your interest in the game and your feedback. :3

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