Friday, November 2, 2018

Last Update (probably) before Sketch Demo (Edit)

Hey again everyone.

I didn't expect to actually give text-only updates every month, but here we are...

I have a lot going on in real life at the moment.
There's always some days of peace and quiet inbetween, but I can't work on the game every day like I would like to.

Some of it has to do with work, some with family and my own health.
So until at least some of it is cleared up things will go a little bit slower...

Starting next year everything should hopefully be somewhat smoother again.

Until then I just have to push a little to get updates out and actually show some of the things I've done.

Sketch Demo

For anyone that didn't notice through the side bar, I started working on the sketch demo.

I'm not completely done with the character sketches yet, but through the stuff that is going on right now I don't have the patience/concentration to finish them either.

Instead I started importing and correcting the remaining text/dialogues of the game.

Right now I'm about 80% done with importing the planned text.
The last bit should only take a few days, followed by scripting some of the scenes and adding some tentative sounds and music.

Just finished to edit and import the last bit of the text I've planned.
However, I think I would like to re-add some of the scenes from one of the paths I removed because I didn't like how it turned out in the end.
I will need to rewrite them for that and that might take some additional time but I hope it makes it worth the wait.

Also thanks for the feedback guys.
It might not seem like much but a few comments like that already give me the motivation I need to keep doing my stuff through the daily stress.
So have a nice weekend everyone! (10.11.2018)

Edit 3:
For anyone that noticed the 2nd edit, I got my computer back running.
I didn't lose any progress and can just keep working, sorry about freaking anyone out. xD
I will still need to keep an eye on the com for now but hope to not have any further problems until release of sketch demo.

To put it together the Sketch Demo will include:

- every major path and decision of the game
- all/most of the character sketches that will later on be replaced with colorated versions

It will not include:

- any of the H-Scenes
- CG's and Background Images
- Minigames
- Extra and Bonus Scenes

This demo is pretty much for everyone that's interested or wants to help out writing/correcting the story.
Unlike in the reading sample character sketches will give some more life to most of the scenes.
Sadly CG's that are also a big part of the game will still be missing and only a description of them/placeholder will be in their place.

Updates after Sketch Demo

After finishing the sketch demo I will keep working on it in this order:

- finishing and fixing character sketches/scenes you think are simply ugly or need to be reworked
- sketching and writing dialogues for h-scenes
> Releasing Sketch Demo with additional H-Scenes

- colorating and animating the H-Scenes
> Releasing some animation samples for H-Scenes on Patreon

- sketching the CG's and Backgrounds for the game
- scripting menus, options and some addition game stuff like extra decisions
> Releasing new version of Sketch Demo, complete with all sketches of everything in the game

- colorating the sketches until 100% of the games art is colorated
- adding or making better fitting music for the game (likely because of rights of use)
> First release of early version of the game

- making animations for some characters, CG's and additional customizations
- adding bonus scenes (with some additional H-Animations)
- implementing some mini-games
- some after work in every area of the game
> Full release of the game

There are/is quite some steps/time until the full release at the bottom, but this is what I'm hoping to do after the sketch release.

To be honest I'm getting quite impatient because no matter how much work I do I don't seem to get anywhere...

Maybe I will take a break and work on a different game inbetween, but for now I will follow the plan though.

I hope this post in itself shows what's going on with the game right now and there's some of you that look ahead for the sketch demo.

Like always if you have any questions or anything just leave a comment, I'll answer whatever I can.

Alright then, have a nice weekend everyone and I'll see when I upload the sketch demo. :>


  1. Thanks for keeping us updated, it’s good to have a clear plan with a project like this. I’m looking forward to the sketch demo and seeing more of the story branches.

  2. I'm really looking forward for the sketch demo, but do not push yourself too hard, I wish you luck.

    -Bryan Gabriel

  3. as always you do a wonderful job and yes, I agree with sparky66, thank you very much for keeping us informed, I am very anxious to see the sketches of characters like Braixen, sarah or jasmine and I am also anxious to see how some routes are developed.
    PD: and how about the missionary for some H-scene (͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °) ?, I just say ...
    and No more to add.
    -Brayan X

  4. ah I forgot to mention that also as dimont132 said, take your time and do not push yourself, it is better that you take your breaks so that you do not risk your health / work / whatever it may be at risk, because we know that It can be really exhausting and sometimes it is very tiring to always be working with the same thing.
    I wish you the best dark :D.
    PS: I love Fia :3.
    no more to add.
    -Brayan X.

  5. We'll always be here looking forward to the final version of the game, and what a shame man, I really hope you can solve the problem with your computer.

    -Bryan Gabriel

  6. Sorry to hear about your computer, hope you can get things sorted soon. Thankfully it sounds like you didn’t lose any progress on the game.

  7. yeah, it's sad hear that, but don't worry about, we'll be here even if you have problems ;), perhaps this is helpful for take your time for refresh yourself B)

  8. yeah dude. i dont think anyone expects this to be done for quite some time so using your free time to do something you enjoy instead is normal, expected even. using patreon for support may have turned this project into more of a commitment but it still shouldn't be a top priority.

    now, im gonna say something that people may not agree with. but judging from the demo it looks like you plan to remake the ferris wheel H-scene. as much as my brain yells yes. i dont see a good reason to besides just making it match your new art style for the game. i think maybe just reusing the original h-scene would be enough and would lighten the workload a bit. making an entirely new scene that would only be slightly different doesnt seem necessary in my mind. its still entirely up to you if you want to make a new scene. i just wanna help lighten the workload if we can. unless you already planned to use the old scene and i just look dumb...

    ill be ready for the next demo. at least the weekend after its released. i pushed for a new work schedule so now i have consistent free time in my life.(FINALLY!)

    i hope you get things figured out and i wish you luck


  9. I'm very happy for listen that, and yeah, you freaking me :,3
