Sunday, December 22, 2019

Dream Molder progress, technical difficulties and some other stuff...

Hey everyone, I took quite some time since my last post, as always.
Sorry about that.

I've been quite busy with a couple of things since the release of the last Braixen (Fauna) Animation.
Mainly focusing on coloring and animating Fia's Model for Dream Molder but also reworking and properly animating the old Lucario model which people where asking for.

I actually wanted to release the first proper Dream Molder version or at least something similiar to a Braixen "Character Creator" that will go along with the game, but after hitting some roadblocks along the way I had to put in a lot of extra work which isn't quite finished yet.

I'll use this post to go into detail of what was planned and why it failed, but also to show some of the stuff to can expect.
But let's start with Fia's Model...

Work on Fia's Model

Shortly after finishing Fauna's animation I started working on Fia's model to use in the final versions of Dream Molder.
For everyone wondering what the whole model thing is about it's pretty much the main graphic file used to display Fia throughout the game, build in/with Live2D and gives me the ability to animate her sprites.

Since Fia has a bit over 100 expressions and poses there's quite a lot to consider until the model is 100% finished, but once the it's done there's not much left towards the proper releases, with CG-Art being the only thing left to do.

Work on the model was going well and I was expecting to be done with it around now as animations, the ability to change her colors, style, etc was all working fine already.

Technical Difficulties

Knowing that there's not much more to be done to finish it I put it aside to work on the Lucario animations for the month.
When I came back to implement the model into the game however it didn't work out as much as I was hoping for...

The model appeared much lower quality from it should actually be like.
Outlines were fuzzy and some things were missing completely.
Experimenting with the model a bit made it obvious that the problem wasn't the model itself but the engine messing up some of the color layers which made the model appear fuzzy.

You can see how the model in itself is actually quite clear when I dye her fur white which removes all the color layers.

Not really knowing what causes this I had to look into the engines code, rework parts of the model and try to figure out what the problem was in general.

I actually went so far as to rebuild the whole model from scratch but to no avail.
The latest build did improve the quality somewhat to not make it obvious as quickly, that definitely wasn't enough to use it for the game though.

It was obvious at this point that something was up with how the engine uses the model.
The mode actually looks fine when viewed in preview or with any other software, putting it in the game though somehow messes up the colors.

The time it took to come to this conclusion however took way too long and I've wasted a lot of time trying to rework the model to make it work and right now I've got about 3 ways to move forward.

1.: Find whatever causes this in the engines code, change it and use the same model

2.: Rework the model to not dye it in real time and have a limited amount of colors to choose from instead
3.: Use another engine or write one from scratch and transfer everything made so far over time.

The first one I go for will definitely be 1. as this one has the highest chances of keeping everything done so far. 
The engine seems to mess with clipping layers for some reason, most likely scaling them weirdly?
Fixing this is the best scenario, there will always be some kind of quality issue though which is definitely caused by the overuse of clipping and the engine not being able to keep up.
So I might need to do something else if I can't get it to model viewer quality.

The other two options are suboptimal, giving me a lot more to do to implement this than what it's worth.
I'll wait for some feedback and option 1. to fail before making any choice here though.

But yeah, long story short:
Whatever option I'm going with I will have to do some extra work which is why I most likely won't be able to release anything before end of the year.

That doesn't mean I'm not going to try, I'm definitely taking it slow and put quality first though.


I know this isn't much of an update and more of just me talking about minor problems.
It's not the first problem I bumped into and I've always found/had a solution in the end.

However, it's been a while since I've given an proper update for DM's progress and I think it was really needed. Even if it was about something trivial as this.

I felt like I needed to involve everyone to keep up 
excitement and interest in the game for everyone.
That's what made me work on it until now after all...

So if you have any thoughts on the whole problem (Do you think it's worth using another engine to keep live coloring or would a few colors to choose from be enough for you?) or are excited about any of the features feel free to share/discuss it here or on our discord.

I need the feedback to keep me going and all thoughts/comments on this are appreciated!

Next update will most likely be with the release of either the first proper Dream Molder Scenes or the Braixen Character Maker, (hopefully) next month.

But for now happy holidays to all of you and I hope to see you around next year!~Dark


  1. Sucks to not know what exactly went wrong. I know the feeling. I’d try option 2, then 1, and finally as a last resort when there’s absolutely nothing I could do, I’d use 3. It’s absolutely insane how far you’ve come with this game, especially with it being indie and all.

    Certain game engines just aren’t the best for some things, and sometimes they mess up (and others mess up often)

    Which game engine did you use to program Dream Molder?

    1. I've been using a couple of different ones over time including my own, I did however end up switching to and sticking with Visual Novel Maker a while after it came out.

      It's running on javascript and is quite easy to use, but the main point of me switching over was their additional Live2d support/scripts and licenses.

  2. Thanks for the feedback. Personally, I stand very patient, even with the very understandable delays. As for the solution, I really put my hope for #1 as it would really maintain the idea of creating our own thing instead of choosing limited ones.

  3. May not be an answer you're keen on, but I wouldn't say I'm all too bothered about the colours.
    The character, and the way you design/draw her is so top-tier, I don't feel luxuries such as "abit of customisation" matter all too much.

    I'm looking forward to getting hands on. Looks fantastic!

  4. For me the fact that this project is finished would be the best satisfaction in the world, I have been waiting for it for more than 9 months since I played the first version, from my point of view the creation of few colors would be enough, as I said that the project comes true would be perfect.

    1. I've been thinking myself that I've been focusing a bit too much on the customization part instead of pushing out releases when it already took this long to get me this far.

      I'm going to focus main graphics/functions for now, I can always add more customization later on after all.

  5. Don't take it the wrong way, but I feel like you are wasting a lot of time on very niche feature almost nobody is going to use.
    Personally, I don't care about it in the slightest. Vanilla colors, best colors. And, to be honest, I totally do not see much sense in this kind of customisation in a game like this.
    Hard to say about the rest of the bunch, but it could be good idea to throw out a survey, when you consider starting a questionable and potentially very time consuming thing. Unless, of course, it matters to you to have it in the game. In that case screw people's opinions. You are the creator after all.

    1. No don't worry, I felt the same about it.
      Recoloring was a simple thing that I planned from the beginning that turned into more work than I wanted it to be.

      That's why for qualities sake and for being able to push out progress I remade the model without the option to recolor for now, just making the work needed for the game itself.

      I'm definitely adding recoloring back in at some point, progress of the game is more important though.

      Just sad that I had to do the work twice and redo the coloring/model since I didn't expect it to be such a problem to begin with.

  6. Waht Lucario comes in the game Pls *NO*
